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The Vatican says people cannot choose or change genders and calls transgenderism a bid to 'annihilate nature'

The Vatican has released an official document which had called transgenderism a bid to 'annihilate nature'.


The text called 'Male And Female He Created Them' has also said that people can't choose or change their genders and insists on the sexual 'complementarity' of men and women to make babies.


Meanwhile, The publication of the documents comes during LGBT Pride Month and was quickly denounced by LGBT Catholics as contributing to bigotry and violence against gay and transgender people.


Advocacy group New Ways Ministry said it would further confuse individuals questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation and at risk of self-harm.


However, The new 'guidance' was intended to help Catholic teachers, parents, students and clergy address what the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education called an 'educational crisis' in the field of sex education.


Also, It called for a 'path of dialogue' and listening on the issue of 'gender theory' in education.


But even priestly advocates for LGBT Catholics noted that the text appeared to have relied entirely on previous papal pronouncements, Vatican documents and philosophers and theologians.

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